Grundlagen der IR und UV Fotografie
Fotografie mit Licht im unsichtbaren Spektrum In diesem Artikel geht es mal ausnahmsweise nicht (nur) um Light Painting. Ich versuche Dir die grundlegenden Ideen der Fotografie mit Wellen aus dem…
Fotografie mit Licht im unsichtbaren Spektrum In diesem Artikel geht es mal ausnahmsweise nicht (nur) um Light Painting. Ich versuche Dir die grundlegenden Ideen der Fotografie mit Wellen aus dem…
WHICH CAMERAS ARE GOOD FOR LIGHT PAINTING AND LONG TIME EXPOSURE? Every new camera is tested by various trade magazines, blogs, comparison portals, online stores and many amateur and professional…
LIGHT PAINTING NUMBER 1 For the first picture, Danilo stood in front of one of the 3 pairs of caterpillars as our light painting model. The parts are over 2…
METHODS FOR CREATING A LIGHT ORB IN LIGHT PAINTING I do hear "I can't see orbs any more" or "People can't see orbs any more" more often lately, and I…
THE IDEA THE PLANNING First I had to find a solution to get the eye into the picture in the right size or to make the orb so small that…
LIGHTPAINTING Not me, at any rate. And neither do any of the light painters still alive today. Even though there are several important people in light painting who claim to…
FOUR DAYS LIGHT PAINTING IN THE CLASS ROOM Erik had the idea a long time ago to do a light painting project as part of the project week at his…
10 QUESTIONS TO PALATETH His biggest drive is to have fun. In many of his light paintings, the fun he and his friends had during the light painting immediately jumps…
LOST PLACES I photographed my first Lost Place in 1989, the E-Werk in Berlin's Wilhelmstraße, long before the legendary club moved in. One sunny Sunday I went out with my…
10 FRAGEN AN ROLAND BREI 1. Wie und warum bist Du Light Painter geworden? 2. Was bedeutet Light Painting für Dich? Was ist Dein Antrieb? Lightpainting hat mein…